It’s Creepy and It’s Spooky! – 13 Pool Opening Tips to Take Your Pool from Green to Clear For a Summer of Fun

There is no universal manual or guide to opening your swimming pool. There can’t be. There are too many different types of swimming pools, in different areas of the world, using different chemicals and used for different types of swimmers.

It seems that each pool requires at least something different from every other pool. Still, there are certain procedures that you can use on all pools. Listed below are those procedures that will help you on your journey to clear, crisp, healthy water:

  1. Magic Wands, Spells & Incantations: There are no magic wands, spells or incantations that will change that green slime pit in one or two days into that Caribbean, crystal clear water that you see in magazines and dream about. Filtering, shocking, brushing, skimming and vacuuming–repeated again and again and again–will work in most instances. Remember that this is a process that will take time and effort.
  2. Pre-Opening Treatment: Around mid-April, add a dose of non-metallic algaecide to your pool. What this should do is to inhibit algae from growing in your pool. This means that when you open your pool weeks later it should be more manageable. By taking a few minutes in April to minimize algae growth in your pool, you will save yourself time and money.
  3. Remove Your Cover: If there are any leaves or debris on your cover, remove them. If you have a solid cover, pump any remaining water off the cover (be aware, if your cover has a hole in it then more than likely you will be pumping out your pool as well). Remember, if you fail to clean off your cover before you remove it, all that water and debris will go into your pool–making your job harder and more expensive because you will need more shock and water balancing chemicals.
  4. Store Your Cover Properly: Here’s a money saver. After cleaning your cover, let it dry and store for the season. If you are keeping your cover in the shed, consider placing it in a plastic container to keep the critters from making it into their own private condominium.
  5. Add Water, if needed Bring your water level up to its normal operating level.
  6. Start the Season with a Clean Filter: Chemically clean the elements of your cartridge or DE filter. Simply hosing them off will only remove loose organic material. You must remove the oils and minerals that clog the filter elements and reduce your filtration efficiency. If you have a sand filter, chemically clean that as well or simply replace the sand. DIRTY FILTERS DO NOT CLEAR WATER.
  7. Prepare Your Pool for Operation: Remove any freeze plugs, gizmos and other items installed to protect against freezing. Make sure the skimmer basket and pump basket and any other items necessary for the proper operation of your pool and filter system are in place. Point return jets down at a 45-degree angle and away from the skimmer for best circulation. Replace any worn or broken equipment. For example, if your pressure gauge reads anything other than 0 and the filter is not running, it’s probably broken and should be replaced.
  8. Start Your Filter System: Be sure to prime the pump before starting the motor. Be sure to purge all the air from the plumbing and equipment. WARNING: AIR WILL BE COMPRESSED DURING THIS PROCEDURE. BE SURE TO RELEASE ANY BUILT-UP PRESSURE BEFORE OPENING YOUR FILTER, PUMP OR CHEMICAL FEEDER.
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  10. Clean Your Pool: Finally, the fun stuff. Skim, brush and vacuum. Then, skim, brush and vacuum again. Any sand, dirt, algae or other small debris should be vacuumed to waste. Any debris left behind will cause you to spend more time and money because you will need more shock and water balancing chemicals. In the fight against algae, your pool brush is your most important tool. BRUSH THOROUGHLY, BRUSH OFTEN.
  11. Adjust Your Water Chemistry: After cleaning the pool, it’s time to check the water chemistry.
    DO NOT begin by throwing a bunch of chlorine or other chemicals into the water. Adding chlorine and other chemicals in certain circumstances can damage and/or stain your pool surface.
    • Allow the water to circulate at least 8-12 hours, so that the water that was added has time to mix with the water in the pool.
    • After that time, test it thoroughly and then add the necessary chemicals in the proper sequence to balance the water chemistry. I suggest taking a water sample to your local pool professional to have it tested for pH, Total Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness, etc. Be sure to follow the procedure they describe to avoid damage to your pool’s surface.
  12. Run Your Filter 24/7: Backwash your filter or clean your cartridges as needed. Do this until your water clears.
  13. Re-Test Your Water Chemistry: When your water is clear, bring another sample to your pool professional. Adjustments will still need to be made, especially the Cyanuric Acid level. Cyanuric Acid helps the chlorine stay in the water longer.
  14. Trust Your Pool Professional: Do you want to trust the sixteen year old at the big box store with your family’s health and safety? Of course not. Hey, he may get lucky and your pool could be clear. But, remember this, the water in my toilet bowl is clear–but I wouldn’t want to swim in it. Do yourself a favor and find a pool store that trains and certifies their employees in all aspects of pool care and puts your family’s health and safety at the forefront of their business.

Have a safe and sparkling summer swim season!

By Curtis Bryant

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